Six Nations Frankfurters – The Ultimate Match-Day Feast!

Six Nations Frankfurters – The Ultimate Match-Day Feast! Each of these hot dogs is inspired by a competing Six Nations team, bringing together regional flavours into the perfect match-day meal. The Full English Frankfurter (England) A proper breakfast-inspired hot dog featuring crispy bacon, a fried egg, and brown sauce. Ingredients: 1 Yorkshire Frankfurter 1 soft […]
The Ultimate Guide to Frankfurter Toppings: Regional Twists & Quirky Combos

A great frankfurter is all about balance – the snap of the sausage, the softness of the bun, and, of course, the toppings. But why settle for the usual mustard and ketchup when you can explore the world of frankfurter toppings? Here’s our guide to some of the best regional and quirky ways to top […]